Tuesday 20 December 2011

Promisse Mission Patch - Official Version Available to Collectors.

Spaceboosters Online Store is now stocking the official version of the Promisse Mission Patch.

The logo for the PromISSe mission features the Space Station orbiting Earth, accompanied by three icons and six stars. The PromISSe name crowns a circular design belted with orange cords, while the International Space Station acronym is highlighted in the same colour to bring out the Dutch participation in the mission. The core of the logo is a globe free of national borders. A silhouette of the ISS is shown circling Earth, about to fly over Europe. The icons on the left represent the mission’s three crucial elements: science, technology and education. The globe stands for a knowledge-based society focused on our planet. The electronic circuit denotes technology. The conical laboratory flask illustrates scientific research. The six stars represent the six crewmembers, the six months that AndrĂ© will stay in space and, as the stars are similar to those on the EU flag, the European character.

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